
Mental Health Skill Building Services

Mental Health Skill Building Services (MHSS)

NJFS, LLC provides mental health skill-building services to individuals who are 18 and older who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness that either currently or in the past required any of the following:

(i) psychiatric hospitalization

(ii) either residential or nonresidential crisis stabilization

(iii) intensive community treatment (ICT) or program of assertive community treatment (PACT) services;

(iv) placement in a psychiatric residential treatment facility (RTC-Level C) as a result of decompensation related to the individual’s serious mental illness; or

(v) a temporary detention order (TDO) evaluation, pursuant to § 37.2-809 B of the Code of Virginia. Typically, clients will receive 1-3 hours of services per day. Treatment is specifically goal oriented, solution-focused and utilizes best practice modalities. Each client will receive an initial screening and assessment. Once complete, the client will collaborate with Integrated Health Services staff to develop their individualized treatment plan which will drive services.

These services generally include:

  • Individualized and customized treatment plans
  • Practical skills training
  • Safety plan development and implementation
  • Monitoring of mental and physical health
  • Teaching independent living skills to include: medication management, personal hygiene, nutrition, food preparation, financial planning, employment skills, and coping skills.

Funding Options:

  • Medicaid- Medallion 4.0 & CCC+, Anthem Healthkeepers Plus, Optima Health Family Care, Virginia Premier, Magellan Complete Care of Virginia, and Aetna Better Health of Virginia
  • DSS, CSA, DOJ, and other community supports
  • Self-pay

Face to face and 1:1 services

  • Skill Building in Personal Hygiene
  • Medication Monitoring Diet and Nutrition
  • Stress Management
  • Housing Stabilization
  • Coping Skills
  • Boundaries and Ethical Decision Making
  • Anger Management
  • Social Skill Development
  • Symptom Management
  • Budgeting
  • Health Management
  • Peer Support

Intensive In-Home (IIH)

Intensive In-Home (IIH) is a stabilization and preventative service focused on children or adolescents who are at–risk to be removed from their home. This program is designed to bring stability to a family in crisis and keep the child in their environment. Risks for a child being removed from their home  could include aggression, defiance, noncompliance, truancy, or parenting limitations. Intensive In-Home is home-based and is intended to be a short-term service.

IIH services may include:

  • Initial assessment and diagnosis
  • Individual and family counseling at a minimum of 5 hours per week in the home and community
  • Crisis support and response 24/7
  • Parental skills training and behavioral modification interventions
  • Individualized treatment plans that address identified needs
  • Assistance with accessing and navigating community resources
  • Advocacy within the medical, educational, social service and psychiatric systems
  • Frequent communication and collaboration with associated professionals and treatment team members

Who is Eligible for Intensive In-Home?

  • Children who ages 4-18 that are at-risk of an out-of-home placement.
  • Youth who are transitioning back into the home from an out-of-home placement.
  • Families who are willing to cooperate with IIH counselor and commit to at least 5 hours per week in the home to support the therapeutic process.

Funding Options:

Medicaid- Medallion 4.0 & CCC+, Anthem Healthkeepers Plus, Optima Health Family Care, Virginia Premier, Magellan Complete Care of Virginia, and Aetna Better Health of Virginia
DSS, CSA, DOJ, and other community supports

Crisis Stabilization

Crisis stabilization services involve direct interventions that provide temporary, intensive services and supports that avert emergency, psychiatric hospitalization or institutional placement of individuals who are experiencing serious psychiatric or behavioral problems that jeopardize their current community living situation. Crisis stabilization services shall include, as appropriate, neuropsychological, psychiatric, psychological and other functional assessments and stabilization techniques, medication management and monitoring, behavior assessment and support, and intensive care coordination with other agencies and providers. This service is designed to stabilize the individual and strengthen the current living situation so that the individual remains in the community during and beyond the crisis period.

These services shall be provided to:

1. Assist planning and delivery of services and supports to enable the individual to remain in the community;

2. Train family members, other care givers, and service providers in supports to maintain the individual in the community; and

3. Provide temporary crisis supervision to ensure the safety of the individual and others.

B. Criteria:

1. In order to receive crisis stabilization services, the individual must meet at least one of the following criteria:

a. The individual is experiencing marked reduction in psychiatric, adaptive, or behavioral functioning;

b. The individual is experiencing extreme increase in emotional distress;

c. The individual needs continuous intervention to maintain stability; or

d. The individual is causing harm to self or others.

2. The individual must be at risk of at least one of the following:

a. Psychiatric hospitalization;

b. Emergency ICF/IID placement;

c. Disruption of community status (living arrangement, day placement, or school); or

d. Causing harm to self or others.

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